
Mon 25 Sep, 9:30 PM: Do the outreach for wikipedia (Francesco)
Tue 26 Sep, 9:30 PM: Which universe are we in? (Steve)
Tue 26 Sep, 10:30 PM: Sciddle, the science riddle (Matteo)

Do the outreach for wikipedia

Wikipedia has become the de facto resource for learning basic (or not-so-basic) information about a subject. However, the vast majority of the pages are written by a small group of Wikipedia users. I believe that we should care about making our research accessible to non-specialists. I also believe that in this Google era, Wikipedia editing can be one of the most far-reaching ways to do so. As quantum physicists, we could improve a lot of Wikipedia pages and make them more comprehensive and more accessible to both laypeople and to physicists from different fields.

In particular I noticed that the Wikipedia page about quantum metrology — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_metrology — is in a dismal state. While quantum metrology is a very mature research field, the page does not reflect this fact at all. Therefore I propose to join our forces and improve this page. Obviously this is not the only page in need of work from experts, so I strongly encourage you to check pages about subjects that fall under your area of expertise.

Which universe are we in?

Imagine a world where dinosaurs still walk the earth. A world where the Germans won World War II and you are president of the United States. Imagine a world where the laws of physics no longer apply and where infinite copies of you are playing out every storyline of your life. It sounds like a plot stolen straight from Hollywood, but far from it. This is the multiverse. Until very recently the whole idea of the multiverse was dismissed as a fantasy, but now this strangest of ideas is at the cutting edge of science. And for a growing number of scientists, the multiverse is the only way we will ever truly make sense of the world we are in.

Horizon asks the question: Do multiple universes exist? And if so, which one are we actually in? Featuring Max Tegmark and Seth Lloyd.

Sciddle, the science riddle

See here